Thursday, July 2, 2015

Bath and Body Works Semi-Annual Sale Haul!!!!!!!!

Hey y'all!

So let me begin by saying this: I have never tried Wallflowers before buying them as the main part of this haul. I always would use Glade or Airwick, but there was never enough of a scent. Currently, I only have 1 Wallflower plugged in (it's in my bathroom, the scent is Black Teakwood) and I can smell it throughout my entire apartment. So I do believe that I'm getting my money's worth.

I got multiples of the Kitchen Lemon, Mango Dragon Fruit, and the Black Teakwood because I found the smells so light and pleasing. All of the Wallflowers were $3 each, with the exception of the Coastal Sun Wallflower, which was $3.50

The Wallflower holder with the night light that I mentioned before was $5 and the one with the gold and white flower on it was around $3 or $4 (on clearance).

I'm also noticing how long the Wallflowers seem to last, which is significantly longer than their Glade or Airwick counterparts.

Overall, I would have to say that I'm happy that I took the plunge in deciding to buy them, they've become my new favorite thing.

Thanks for reading and I'll talk to y'all next week!


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